I’m not a huge fan of television these days. Oh, I used to be! I had my daily shows and life just wasn’t the same if I missed one. These days? Meh. Enter a pandemic and suddenly finding time to watch shows with Ralph became something enjoyable for us both because of so much negative […]
The Inspiration of Tangerine Dream
Hindsight can be entertaining, can’t it? I am a product of being a teen during the 1980s, but an oddity, too. I wrote my first puppet play in 1st Grade, and I continued to dabble in writing from then on. It wasn’t until the eighties I started feeling inspired by music, and actually listened to […]
Three Off The Beaten Path Halloween Film Favorites From Yours Truly
In celebration of today being Halloween, I thought I’d share a couple of horror films that left an impression on me over the years. They’re admittedly from a different time, a time before CGI. You remember that, don’t you? When things looked much more real, and even when they were fake, looked more real than […]
What You’ll Never See In A Haunted House/Demon/Demonic Possession Movie
The LGBTQ community. That’s what you won’t see. Eddie Murphy had it right back when he recorded Comedian about never seeing black people in horror movies. If he’d filmed it these days, he’d have been more specific and said they were no heterosexual black people. Why? They’re too smart. White folks, on the other hand, […]
Building The Perfect Beast (Part 1)
A favorite subject of mine is music, but, honestly, music from a specific decade; the 1980s. I now understand what music of the 1960s mean to my parents because there’s just no decade of music like the one we grew up with. And I use music to this day, especially when I’m brainstorming, talking to […]
What 5 Horror Movies Scare An Author…Specifically Me?
The more I read last Monday’s post, the more I realized I was concentrating on recent Blu-Ray releases (minus the bits about Elvira, but, really, how can you talk about Halloween and NOT mention Elvira?) instead on films in my collection that have given me a solid ol’ scare through the years. Not that The […]
A Few 2012 Halloween Film Musings From Yours Wickedly
My husband enjoys reminiscing about the time he almost threw out my entire Fangoria Magazine collection. He’s lucky he didn’t. Damn lucky. He may have wanted to get even with me for leaving them in the bathroom for him to find when he’s looking for something to read. Why? Because the curiosity drives him insane […]
A Few 2013 Halloween Film Musings From Yours Wickedly
My husband enjoys reminiscing about the time he almost threw out my entire Fangoria Magazine collection. He’s lucky he didn’t. Damn lucky. He may have wanted to get even with me for leaving them in the bathroom for him to find when he’s looking for something to read. Why? Because the curiosity drives him insane […]
A Letter to Roxette’s Per Gessle and Marie Fredriksson
Dear Per Gessle and Marie Fredriksson, I know your latest album, Traveling, reflects your time during the Charm School tour, but as I’ve listened to it, I’ve been doing a little reflecting of my own. You see, Roxette has been in my life since I was a college freshman back in 1988 and heard the […]
When Harry & Kage Met Sally & Pookie…You Know, For Lunch
Everybody seems to be on a movie kick lately and I think it’s the holidays that are doing it. Ralph and I used to go and see a lot of movies at the theater. A lot. And we mostly agreed on what we’d see. These days? Either films just aren’t impressing us anymore or we’re […]