I’ve been thinking a bit about the afterlife lately. Morbid, right? It’s not really my fault. With things going wrong in both families, it’s natural that someone is going to steer us down that path of discussion. I find, though, that their idea of the afterlife and my own are very, very different. More on […]
All The Way In
I’m always intrigued when the little notification thingy for Facebook pops up. No, not the Google Alert thingy with links to what unannounced changes Facebook is making or how they’ve been caught selling off our private information for a profit again. I mean the Friend Request thingy. They’re a mixed bag for me and friends […]
Don’t Steal One of the Gay Author’s Pictures on Facebook…He Doesn’t Like It
I do some work for a company that pays very close attention to social media. I know, I know. Moi? Work? Ralph says if I’m not barefoot and pregnant at home, my supple ass has to get out there and earn us some money. Personally, I think I’d make a pretty awesome house husband. We’ll […]
Opening Up A Can Of Stupid
What the hell is up with people these days? You want to talk about folks doing some absolutely stupid things, I’ve got four that take the cake! It’s not like the good old days when communication was slow and slanted. Heck, I remember that time. We had TV, radio and newspapers. Okay, and TIME Magazine […]