November 9th marked the 5th year of my father’s passing. I don’t know if it’s a blessing things have been so absolutely ridiculous at the hospital that I glossed over it until today, or if I feel guilty about it. Regardless, I didn’t want it to go unmarked. It would perhaps have been impossible to […]
The Dad Update
Let me state right up front that I’m not writing this for sympathy or as a “poor me” pity party. I’m writing it because I feel the need to keep some sort of record of things as they happen. It’s easy to forget the details or confuse them later on, so I want to make […]
Needing A Thick Skin In This Family
Tuesday was a bit of a bizarre day. It ended with me dreaming I was in a pitch meeting for Top Gun 2. Yes, Top Gun 2. I was concerned the studio was just going to make some cheap, awful film with a crap storyline, bad actors, and zero direction. Why would I think that? […]
Enema: The Awkward Conversation Topic To Have With Mom
There are just some conversations I never expected to have with my parents, especially my mother. I can now technically say anything I want to my father and he’ll forget about it in less than a minute, but that takes the fun out of it, doesn’t it? And I say a lot to you folks, […]
I Guess I’d Go Away If I Was Ignored Too
My grandmother has been in a funk lately. Her memory of the holidays goes back far longer than my own. I remember the Thanksgiving and Christmas gatherings at her house when I was a kid, only from the viewpoint as that of a child. She remembers them as an adult. And she misses them. There […]
A Christmas Symphony Charade in Alzheimer’s Minor
My father was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s a little more than 5 years ago and I’ve seen the changes in him from one year to the next. It’s not fun to examine them by any stretch of the imagination, but it is necessary. He was able to walk all the way around the inside of Lakeside […]
Ramblings of an Alzheimer’s Patient’s Son
I took my father to see Sarah Brightman in concert a couple of years ago and went all out on the show as a sort of last hurrah. We’d gone together several times before he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and I knew this would be the last time I could take him. We paid a […]
I Have Seen the Future! Got Poop?
Guess what yesterday was? Correct! Thursday. And guess what I didn’t complete on time? Right again! My blog post. Now, I could make up some really incredible excuses that would blow your mind and delight your senses, but it would be a lie and that’s what you buy my books for. That’s why we call […]
And on the Topic of Quality of Life…
I had a very odd moment with my mother yesterday. We were chatting while I was taking a new microwave oven out of the box for them and one of the topics that got brought up was how much we were cleaning out of our respective homes and giving it all to a local charity. […]
December Wars: The Third Week Strikes Back
The month of December apparently didn’t appreciate me speaking ill of it this past Monday, so it decided to give me a Round 2 rematch because it’s sadistic and could. It’s not enough there have already been fatalities in the last couple of weeks or that we’re expecting another passing in the next couple of […]