It’s Monday, so it’s a really, really good day to discuss things that irk us, right? Exactly. And I’ve got one things on my hot plate today. Have you ever heard of author J. S. Lewis? I haven’t. Well, I hadn’t until this past weekend. He’s been a busy guy and released seven e-books on […]
Those Sadistic Little Things We Do To Our Characters
I have a fallback for blog post ideas; my friend Jeff Adkins. He started this neat little Facebook group for bloggers to generate ideas to write about and also to do so at least once a week. Consistency is a wonderful thing. And once everybody is up to speed doing it once a week, they […]
I Do What I Do…Despite What Anybody Else Might Say!
You know those little cartoon things making their way around Facebook and other social media sites? They’re the ones with a couple of panels separated into What Someone Thinks I Do, What Someone Else Thinks I Do, What My Mother Thinks I Do, etc? Yeah, those. Some of them are really quite funny and it […]
How To Create The Persona Of An Author (The Easy Way)
Being a writer is extremely taxing, very difficult, and borderline excruciating work. It really is. The writing part is easy, though I’ve been told by friends that you really don’t even need talent for it. How else can you explain Twilight or Fifty Shades of Grey? That’s according to them, my friends. I’ve never read […]
Guess What? I’m Dipped In Honey!
I remember being fascinated by certain people, usually actors, throughout my life. What did they eat? What did they drink? What did they like for dessert? What TV shows did they watch? Did they listen to Abba, too? I was 7. Naturally, the questions changed as I grew older. What did their staff make them […]
There’s One Thing You Didn’t Know About Me…
They move among you, quietly and not so quietly, breathing the same air, eating the same food, shopping at the same stores, watching the same TV shows and movies, working out at the same gyms, being managed by you, managing you, and pretending to be your neighbors, friends and/or family. You’ll never know that they’re […]
People of Interest Episode 3: Dorien Grey
It’s the end of the year and we’ve experienced so much worth noting; economies rising and falling, politicians’ libidos rising and falling, Lindsay Lohan serving not nearly enough jail time, Paris Hilton putting something in her mouth not already attached to a male, Prince William getting engaged and, of course, Mark Zuckerberg making TIME Magazine’s […]