I didn’t vote for Donald Trump when he ran four years ago. I didn’t vote for him this time either, but very different reasons. I worried four years ago about what he might do. He had great sound bytes. “Drain the swamp” won’t go away anytime soon. Did he mean it? No, and even he […]
Dear Vice President Pence
Faith- strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof. Dear Vice President Pence, “…to see major news organizations attacking Christian education is deeply offensive to us.” “We’ll let the other critics roll off our back, but this criticism of Christian education in America should stop.” […]
“You’ll be fine.” “Toughen up.” “They’re just being themselves.”
I came across a news story a couple of nights ago about a thirteen-year-old boy in Staten Island, N.Y., who was attending a private Catholic school. His name was Danny Fitzpatrick. Danny was bullied. Danny was bullied mercilessly. Not only did he feel his “friends” failed him, but the adults Danny went to at the […]
I came across a news story a couple of nights ago about a thirteen-year-old boy in Staten Island, N.Y., who was attending a private Catholic school. His name was Danny Fitzpatrick. Danny was bullied. Danny was bullied mercilessly. Not only did he feel his “friends” failed him, but the adults Danny went to at the […]
Club For Blue-Eyed People Attacked By Extremist Catholic Filipinos
Imagine for a moment attending a nightclub for people who have blue eyes, and someone walks onto the dance floor, pulls out an assault shotgun and another handgun, and kills fifty attendees. The response from Fundamental Evangelical Christian groups is “The group is unnatural, so they’ve reaped what they sewed.” Politicians immediately take to denouncing […]
Goddammit…People Are Dead!
Dictionary.com defines “tragedy” as “a lamentable, dreadful, or fatal event or affair; calamity; disaster: as in stunned by the tragedy of so many deaths. And while tragedies have remained true to their definition, it’s many of the reactions that haven’t. Several of these reactions can best be defined by the word “stupidity”: “the state, quality, […]
Under the Guise of Religious Liberty Laws
Things don’t always work out quite like we intend them to. It’s pretty much a given, right? I wanted to sit down and write my thoughts out about what’s going on in North Carolina with this whole HB2 business, and…well, mostly North Carolina. Other states are continuing to dip their toes into the “let’s see […]
Can There Be Transparency In Taking Children Away From Your Former Partner?
Transparency is one of those lovely ‘it’ words that’s getting thrown around quite a bit these days. Have you noticed? It certainly has in Michigan. Politicians here promise transparency, then find ways around it. And, let’s be honest, not just here either. I’m a member of a community where other folks are actively trying to […]
Uh, Oh. So Here’s What Didn’t Happen…
I’m confused and feeling slightly let down. Remember when marriage equality became the law of the land last month? We were promised an end of times light show. Life as we knew it was supposed to end…HORRIBLY. I even went grocery shopping and stocked up on extra toilet paper and canned goods, plus another can […]
Let The Day Begin! Post Marriage Equality Ruling Thoughts
There are three times I can remember sitting down and watching the news for several hours. The first was the start of Gulf War back when I was in college, the second was 9/11, and the third was last Friday. I cried two out of three of those times and all three scared the hell […]