I didn’t vote for Donald Trump when he ran four years ago. I didn’t vote for him this time either, but very different reasons. I worried four years ago about what he might do. He had great sound bytes. “Drain the swamp” won’t go away anytime soon. Did he mean it? No, and even he […]
Uh, Oh. So Here’s What Didn’t Happen…
I’m confused and feeling slightly let down. Remember when marriage equality became the law of the land last month? We were promised an end of times light show. Life as we knew it was supposed to end…HORRIBLY. I even went grocery shopping and stocked up on extra toilet paper and canned goods, plus another can […]
Let The Day Begin! Post Marriage Equality Ruling Thoughts
There are three times I can remember sitting down and watching the news for several hours. The first was the start of Gulf War back when I was in college, the second was 9/11, and the third was last Friday. I cried two out of three of those times and all three scared the hell […]
If You Think You’re Safe, Then You’d Better Read This
We’ve all had bad years before, haven’t we? Sure, some more than others and some less. It does seem, however, that the overwhelming majority of people are expressing a supreme amount of dissatisfaction with 2013. I know. I’m one of them. Why? Because it’s the year that keeps on giving! We lost my father-in-law, I […]