I’m confused and feeling slightly let down. Remember when marriage equality became the law of the land last month? We were promised an end of times light show. Life as we knew it was supposed to end…HORRIBLY. I even went grocery shopping and stocked up on extra toilet paper and canned goods, plus another can […]
Let The Day Begin! Post Marriage Equality Ruling Thoughts
There are three times I can remember sitting down and watching the news for several hours. The first was the start of Gulf War back when I was in college, the second was 9/11, and the third was last Friday. I cried two out of three of those times and all three scared the hell […]
So…There’s the Whole Thing That Happened Yesterday
The great Abraham Lincoln once said “Four score and seven years ago…” No, wait. I meant the great Abrahama Lincoln. She’s a drag queen I know who called me yesterday, saying “Four Skor bars and seven Yogurt Malted Milk Balls ago…” (Abrahama had just gotten off a diet). So, many years back—which she was referencing—my […]
Lend Me Your Rears…er…Ears For A Tiny Little Rant & Challenge!
Were I single, I’d be standing on a chair and asking you all to “Lend me your rear!” Well, if you were cute and I was remotely interested. I’m not, however, single that is, so perhaps you’d lend me your ear. Ever have one of those months where you suddenly stop and say “Enough!” I’m […]
An Endorsement For Gay Marriage To Keep You Awake At Night
I’ve been having a little trouble lately coming with what I think are quality ideas for blog posts. It’s a tiny bit of a struggle after writing a certain amount on a regular basis, but then OutlantaCon gave me a few nuggets I could see working with and expanding on. I had the perfect one […]
July 4, 2011: Will Gay Marriage Be The Next Fabulous Revolution?
I’ve been writing a bit lately about Alzheimer’s, family and some of my favorite b-films. Well, while I was looking to see if any sites out there might be interested in running a RSS feed of my blog posts–like Alltop–I realized that I do technically fit into the GLBT classification or category. After all, I […]