That’s right, folks! It’s the author with the really, really, big, huge, giant blog! No…no. Blog. I said blog. Leave it to your mind to go right to the gutter. I guess it’s a good thing I didn’t tell you about my massive clock. Remind me not to leave you alone for so long next […]
The Gweilo, The Witch & Her Grandson’s Wardrobe
Ancient Chinese prophesy foretells of a grand matriarch, a woman so devoted to her grandchildren that any potential suitor who doesn’t meet her expectations and challenges her authority, soon disappears under mysterious and unpleasant circumstances. Her reign of terror is said to last nearly thirty years. Prophesy also foretells of a stranger from the West, […]
Why Can’t We Have Our Happy Endings & Sequels, Too?
Singer Ellen Aim looked up at Tom Cody and wanted nothing more than for that moment to freeze so she could savor it forever and ever, only it wasn’t meant to be. He’d saved her life, come for her when even the authorities wouldn’t…an old boyfriend and former soldier who picked up a rifle and […]
Andy Stevenson Vs. Kage Alan & the Lord of the Loins
Did you know there were actually people with the name Andy Stevenson? I didn’t, not until the last year when my Google Alerts were actually producing a number of results, especially in social media, by guys with that name who weren’t related to my book. I imagine it must be a little strange for them […]
Blame It On The Lights Down Low…
Monday is a day to fear. Why? It’s daunting. The weekend is far away. The boss has no issue with delegating crap to you because you’ve got 40+ hours to “make it happen.” Your boss, not mine. I like my boss. He brings me my favorite kind of donut when he stops by Tim Hortons […]
First 2 Reviews of Andy Stevenson Vs The Lord of the Loins Are In!
The first reviews from gay magazines/newspapers/websites are starting to come in and I’ve got two for you here (one for each book).
I’m a week late…”, Gossip Girl and First Review Comments
Okay, I’ve been quiet for a couple of weeks now, which means I’ve been good. Good is boring, so I’m at it again. Writing, that is. I’m at the writing again. I can’t help it. I have to do something while I’m catching up on Season 1 of “Gossip Girl”. My partner lives for that […]
Book Is Released…Sort Of! Also, Tales of the Hong Kong Grandmother
‘allo everybody! Yes, company from Hong Kong is amongst us. More on her in a moment. And now a word from our sponsor:
Coming Soon: Tesla Girls, Book Covers and the Ultimate Evil!
“…Tesla Girls…Tesla Girls…I’m in love with Tesla Girls…” Gotta love OMD and you gotta love the fact these guys got back together some 20 years after parting ways to release a live DVD of one of their classic albums, then deliver another 12 of their delicious hit songs. But seriously, what the hell is a […]
Forget Indiana Jones…Andy Stevenson Has Sex!
Hey gang! Exciting news. I would have added another exclamation point there, but I don’t want to overdo it. Oh, heck, let’s overdo it. Exciting news!!! There. I feel better. Don’t you? A draft of the cover art for Andy Stevenson Vs. the Lord of the Loins should be in my e-mail box this week, […]