We’re getting closer to the close of 2020, and not a moment too soon. We survived an election, another year under an unfriendly administration (depending on your politics), the passing of friends and family…okay, and a couple of celebrities, and we’re still in the midst of a pandemic. The shit starts to blur together after […]
My Mother and My Grandmother
The last week hasn’t been an easy one, not by a long shot. I managed to get my mother back, but we lost someone else.
These Are The Voyages Of The USS Hong Kong Grandma
The designation NCC-1701 is common knowledge, isn’t it? Ah, and what a beautiful ship she is, especially the A version. But have you heard of the EVIL-666. It’s a kind of anti-sister ship, and her captain is my husband’s Grandmother. She’s one tough cookie, let me tell you. And just when you think she hasn’t […]
Three Things…Including The Hong Kong Grandmother’s Arrival
Okay, I DID finish cleaning the house and got it in impeccable order. This is one of the few times I’ll give myself a pat on the back for making the place look really good. The hubby sorted and gutted all the crap that had been sitting out for three years I couldn’t do anything […]
Who Needs Wikipedia When I Have Grandmapedia?
There’s a stereotype about grandmothers we’re fed from a very early age. You know the one I mean, right? Older women with tightly-bunned hair, granny glasses, likes to bake a lot and coo over the grandchildren while spoiling them, yet also doling out wisdom that’ll mean something significant later on in life? Yeah, that one. […]
Shopping For Hong Kong Grandmother Granny Panties
This may come as a complete and total shock to you, but I know less than nothing about women’s undergarments. My understanding of such things is that they should always hold a woman’s bits and pieces in so that I don’t have to see anything more than the general shape…at least above the waist. Below? […]
Confessions Of A Recently Semi-Finely Aged 42 Year Old
Birthdays have always been a big thing in my family. It would be easy to chalk it up to me being an only child and my parents overcompensating a bit, only my mother’s side of the family has always done them up with style, class and fun. I believe, perhaps, it had to do with […]
Reconciling One Outta Three Ain’t Bad
Do you ever feel that, despite adversity, you’ve found something resembling a balance within the imbalance? And for some reason you can’t quite put your finger on, which is probably for the best, it works or at least exists at the moment? I didn’t realize until last week just how much I was in that […]
When Grandmothers and Hong Kong Grandmonthers Team Up And Go Bad
Grandmothers are believed to be warm, kind, cookie-making wisdom-sharers willing to embrace the future while keeping us grounded by reminding us of our past. Can’t you just smell the ham or turkey cooking in the kitchen and the sweet voice of reason reminding us why should keep perspective on life when things don’t go our […]
The Power of Maybe
My guy told me more than once after we started going out that he would be surprised if he lived past 30 years old. He couldn’t explain it, there was no rational explanation for it and I think he actually believed it. It really freaked me out when he’d say that. This is an odd […]