The LGBTQ community. That’s what you won’t see. Eddie Murphy had it right back when he recorded Comedian about never seeing black people in horror movies. If he’d filmed it these days, he’d have been more specific and said they were no heterosexual black people. Why? They’re too smart. White folks, on the other hand, […]
May I Have A BLT With My BDSM and PG13 Horror?
I’ve been told I’m an acquired taste. Not everybody likes my sense of humor and that’s okay. My mother doesn’t like horror movies ever since my father took her to see The Exorcist all those years back. But I like them, so I figure there’s a 50/50 chance you will, too. Same with me. Now, […]
What 5 Horror Movies Scare An Author…Specifically Me?
The more I read last Monday’s post, the more I realized I was concentrating on recent Blu-Ray releases (minus the bits about Elvira, but, really, how can you talk about Halloween and NOT mention Elvira?) instead on films in my collection that have given me a solid ol’ scare through the years. Not that The […]
A Few 2012 Halloween Film Musings From Yours Wickedly
My husband enjoys reminiscing about the time he almost threw out my entire Fangoria Magazine collection. He’s lucky he didn’t. Damn lucky. He may have wanted to get even with me for leaving them in the bathroom for him to find when he’s looking for something to read. Why? Because the curiosity drives him insane […]
A Few 2013 Halloween Film Musings From Yours Wickedly
My husband enjoys reminiscing about the time he almost threw out my entire Fangoria Magazine collection. He’s lucky he didn’t. Damn lucky. He may have wanted to get even with me for leaving them in the bathroom for him to find when he’s looking for something to read. Why? Because the curiosity drives him insane […]
Happy Halloween! (aka Horror Films Made Me Gay)
Yes, you read the title correctly. Horror films made me gay. Don’t believe me? Then I’ve got three words for you; Elm Street 2! Aside from that, the truth is that I grew up watching horror movies, mostly because my father had a sweet tooth for them and mom didn’t. So, if he was going […]
Werewolf Movies Give Me Wood…Is That Wrong?
Horror movies are fun! I grew up watching Creature Feature, Sir Graves Ghastly and just about anything else on TV that had a horror element to it, like the acting in “Buck Rogers”. But werewolf movies? Kind of a favorite even way back when. I think it was that whole puberty thing because I’m so […]