Well, we made it! Yesterday, Sunday, marked 20 years with Ralph. I find this especially remarkable since my prior romantic interests never spent more than 20 minutes with me, let alone 20 years. I guess they just weren’t ‘the one’. Ralph used to ask me how he was supposed to know if I was ‘the […]
I Said It Felt Like a Mole on His…
The difficulty with trying to say something significant in a previous blog post is always in coming up with something worthy for the post following it. There’s only so much soul-wrenching material I can pull out of myself at a time. But there have been a few things that have happened since I last wrote. […]
One Year of Being Legally Married Coming Right Up!
I’m writing this on a Wednesday and the day it goes live (today for you, Thursday) will technically still be one day shy of the 22nd. Why open with this? Because the 22nd is actually my 18th anniversary and my 1st anniversary as a legally married husband to my husband. The oddity is that, going […]
Tales From Being Married To My Half Asian Husband
Being a kept man has its advantages. I’m best if kept silent and fed (so I will remain silent) or so my husband says. “Kris should be occasionally be seen, but rarely heard.” Not to worry since it’s never deterred me unless we’re overseas. I don’t say much then, mostly because it makes people wonder […]
An Interview With the Man Behind the Author…Literally and Figuratively!
It only took…what…a year to make this happen? If there’s one thing about Ralph, it’s that he’s always got at least 4 or 5 things going on at the same time. He’s a multi-tasker, so trying to get him to sit down and concentrate on something like this isn’t the easiest thing in the world. […]
Let’s Get This Gay Marriage Planned: Pre-New York Part 1
Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. A self-professed extraordinarily intelligent half Asian stud and a self-deprecating smart ass author white guy fly to New York City, dress up in their best suits, and ask a Jewish Rabbi to marry them in a non-religious ceremony. You’ve heard it, right? Great. Okay, let me back […]
I May Be Fragile, But My Friend From San Diego Will Roger You Senseless!
A friend from San Diego flew in a week and a half ago to attend our Pride Fest and he stayed with me for a couple of days. Wonderful guest, too! Then again, I’ll say that about anybody who likes what I make for breakfast; Banana Split pancakes. But the stories he tells… That man […]
Darren Hayes Marries Partner…Author Annoyed
I once saw Darren Hayes in concert back when he was with Savage Garden. Decent show, wonderful opening act (Billie Meyers) and a distinct impression he might be gay. My boyfriend, who, mind you, doesn’t have the best Gaydar in the world, even asked if Darren was gay. Did it really matter? No, but it […]