“You should try sexercise.” Yeah…No.
One Year of Being Legally Married Coming Right Up!
I’m writing this on a Wednesday and the day it goes live (today for you, Thursday) will technically still be one day shy of the 22nd. Why open with this? Because the 22nd is actually my 18th anniversary and my 1st anniversary as a legally married husband to my husband. The oddity is that, going […]
What Doesn’t Kill Us Makes Us Mushy
I’ve been a bit chattier than usual about my better half lately and pointing out some of the differences between us. I don’t do this to complain, but rather to try and understand him as I write through them. Differences are a healthy thing, especially in a relationship since most folks new to having them […]
Tales From Being Married To My Half Asian Husband
Being a kept man has its advantages. I’m best if kept silent and fed (so I will remain silent) or so my husband says. “Kris should be occasionally be seen, but rarely heard.” Not to worry since it’s never deterred me unless we’re overseas. I don’t say much then, mostly because it makes people wonder […]
Sex IN The City…And A July Wedding (Part 2)
Okay, we’re going to go with asking you to pretend you hear Sarah Jessica Parker’s voice speaking as Carrie Bradshaw again for the start of this. Ready? Here we go… “There are three life changing events during a New York male’s life. The first is discovering he has a penis, the second is when he […]
The Subconscious Pookalicious Wookie Buns & the Tale of the Asian Muse
I used to be told I was borderline crabby some of the time. People said that, but they didn’t really mean it. Nope. What they were really saying is I was downright crabby most of the time, only they were being nice because of that whole aforementioned crabby thing. You don’t poke a dog with […]
Battle Beyond The Snores II: The Sleeptalker
Infinite space… Infinite terror… Not a chance! I’ve always wanted to use that tagline for a book and I have one in mind, only it’s about 5 books away from being written. Jumping the gun a bit? Maybe. It’s been that kind of a week. Sorry about the cliffhanger Monday thing. Dad has had a […]
A Wee Bit Anal Over OutlantaCon
One of my more charming qualities is that I’ve grown a bit anal over the years. No, not that kind of anal. That’s a given. I mean the other kind of anal, the almost over-preparedness kind of anal. I refer to it as charming because it’s afforded me many a good night of sleep instead […]
Catching A Memory
Finally getting my guy to answer a few interview questions turned out better than I’d hoped. The blog post about him received more than double the amount of traffic I usually bring in. I mentioned this to him, which prompted the response “Bet you wish you wouldn’t have asked me to behave. I might have […]
The Korean Chicken Karaoke Aftermath: A Gay Wedding Part V
Like all eyeballs-rolling-up-into-the-back-of-your-head inducing, room-shaking, obnoxious, calling-out-the-wrong-name-which-is-okay-just-as-long-as-it’s-loud, wet orgasms, festivities sometimes come to an end. Not that I had any orgasms during my wedding week or even on my wedding night. I thought about it. I really did. I’d have even been happy with one. I’d have been happy just watching one that wasn’t even […]